
Our Rawrsome! Royal Cuddle® Kit is full of stuffed animal-like dinos that look like they were crafted with crayon, watercolor, and ink. It comes with a luxe, electric T-Rex Digital Cuddle® Graphite print, plus other triceratops, stegosaurus, and pterodactyl illustrations you'll go gaga over. The quilt is 38" by 58", and the bundle includes Luxe Cuddle® Hide Royal, Luxe Cuddle® Heather Clementine, and Luxe Cuddle® Heather Electric for the binding. You can pick the perfect backing fabric from Cuddle® 3 Royal, Cuddle® 3 Pumpkin, or Luxe Cuddle®Groovy Rainforest (about 1 1/8yds). Take 'em back to the prehistoric era with this one-of-a-kind cuddle kit!